Next week - We are now on 'Easter' break - see you back in the hall on 20th April - Have fun!!!

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Cubs Christmas Carols

In our traditional manner, we finished this term off with our Carol service, and I have to say that the cubs, both Cheetah and Puma pack sung their hearts out.

It is always a lovely service conducted by Akela Derek and the 'gang' and this year with the starting of a new tradition of Mary & Joseph being passed around from family to family seemed to bring thing as always, a little closer to home at this time of year. 

The service was really well attended and the support of parents and siblings is always welcome and appreciated.

There were also three Cub Scout Silver Awards presented to cubs that have worked hard and achieved the necessary level of cub scouting that befits being presented with the Highest Badge obtainable.

It just leave us as leaders to say thank you to our ubs and parents for another great year of Scouting, fun and support. 

And as always a pat on the back for the leaders who without giving up their time, none of this would be possible.

We wish you all a 
Merry Christmas 
 Happy New Year

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