Next week - We are now on 'Easter' break - see you back in the hall on 20th April - Have fun!!!

Sunday 13 December 2015

Christmas Cub Camp

What a great weekend.... we hope your cub/s enjoyed it as much as the leaders. 

Despite the weather, which we thought was pretty kind considering what it could have been like it appeared that everyone has a great time. 

Duxford was great and entertained the cubs with interactive flight puzzles and games, not to mention the planes and the walk-through of Concorde.

The tank and land fighting  hangar also proved to be very popular together with a talk from one of the museum's staff on how Duxford was used in the Battle of Britain.

We got back to camp where our young leaders had prepared a Christmas 'Hunt the Reindeer' wide game before dinner, which was spaghetti bolognese with carrot cake & chocolate flack-jack for pudding. 

The traditional camp fire consisted of many popular songs before the cubs settled down to a viewing of the Nativity movie, projected onto the back of the mess tent. 

Hot chocolate ensured that they went to bed with warm tummies, and they all slept really well.

Bacon butties were the order for the morning, with an investiture and prayers before the cubs were collected. 

A big thank you to all the leaders for making this camp possible
See you all at the Cubs Christmas Carol Service

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