Next week - We are now on 'Easter' break - see you back in the hall on 20th April - Have fun!!!

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

Were we cruel getting the cubs to do the Ice Bucket Challenge on their first night back? We think not! It's all for a great cause and they loved it!

In fairness, Akela welcomed all the new cubs, some swimming up from Beavers, others transferring from other packs within the District and those who just want to be part of it - All were made very welcome. 

Whilst some of the leaders took the cubs who have been chosen to finalise their skills for the up coming 'Oxley Shield' competition camp this weekend, Akela played a few games to help integrate the new cubs!

Time caught us up quickly and our young leaders had been very busy filling far too many buckets with icy cold water, so we marched to the Golden Fleece Garden ready to get wet.

This part of the evening did not disappoint! All for a good cause Muscle Warriors - we all got soaked!

Our leaders video is here! Please check out the 1st Braughing FaceBook page for the Cubs Video!

Just so it's clear - We nominated the Ware District Leaders Team!

Good luck to our Oxley Team - you'll have a fantastic time!