Next week - We are now on 'Easter' break - see you back in the hall on 20th April - Have fun!!!

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Hike Preparation

This evenings pack night followed on from the Harry Potter themed evenings of grid references and basic map skills.

We started in the usual manner of playing a couple of games to use up some of that end of term energy and then settled down to talking about routes and the planning involved.

Once we had finished this, we then ventured out for a brisk walk around the village (it was too much of a nice evening not too!).
The cubs were asked to discuss in pairs what they would take with them in a day sack if they were to go out of a days hike and we would compile the list once back in the hall.

The cubs really enjoyed the walk and we were treated to a fantastic sunset. After talking about what they may take, some we'd simply have to define as Bear Grylls and others as an Ox. They would either take the absolute minimum or everything, one cubs list included 8 litres of bottled water!

Needless to say, their hike won't require too much. Facing facts, carrying their own coat can prove a challenge for some.

We have now finished for the end of term so there is NO cubs for two weeks. We'll see you all back in the hall on 20th April.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

The Whomping Willow

A great pack night this evening with opening games, and a continuation of the Harry Potter Grid Reference challenge. 

This again tested the cubs on a previous evenings pack night and took everything one step further. More HERE

The cubs put a lot of effort in this evening and really enjoyed it. We finished in time for a quick game before our reflection which needless to say had Belgium in our thoughts.


Wednesday 16 March 2016

-.-. ..- -... ...

Well you have probably guessed that this evenings pack night was all to do with Morse code and signalling.

Dividing the cubs into groups, they prepared their messages to fire across the hall to their counterparts...

One group signalling their message with light (torches) the others using their scarves as semaphore flags. It took a while, but they eventually got the hang of it and were soon lengthening their messages.

A couple of games finished off another great evening!

Next week - in Hall, continuation of badge work.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Navigate Hogwarts

Cubs grid reference presentation
We are preparing for a cubs hike, for which the cubs are to plan and prepare the route cards. In order to do this successfully the cubs need to learn lots of different skills which we are covering over two pack nights. 

At this evenings pack meet we looked at grid lines and contours, which Barloo had prepared. But not only had we done a fantastic easy to understand presentation, rather than Ordnance Survey Maps he had use the layout of Hogwarts and everything involved was to the Harry Potter theme.... it really captured the cubs imagination and hopefully will help for next week when we introduce the proper maps!

Hogwarts map and grid references for Cubs

We had hoped to be hiking next week, but feel that we need additional time in order for the cubs to prepare properly. A new hike date will be announced soon.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

1st Braughing Scout Band

The cubs had a great treat tonight for pack evening!

After a warm up game of dodge ball, we were very happy to welcome some of the members of the 1st Braughing Scout band, the only Scout band in the County who came to show us their instruments and do some local recruiting.

We started off with a nice talk of the band history and the instruments that they play before they played a quick tune....

We then broke off into small groups of 5 to try all the different instruments on a 10 minute rotation. Despite the wonderful noise of 20 + cubs all playing the drums, trumpets, bugles, glockenspiel and bass drum all together.... we think the cubs had a great time. We would've asked them, but we couldn't hear their answers....Poor leaders!!!

It was a great evening and we would like to thank the band for their time. If your cub wishes to find out more about the band please check out the Braughing Scouts website

1st Braughing Scout Band - Cheetah Pack

Next week is route planning so it is a really important evening as in a fortnight we'll we walking the route that is planned!

Saturday 23 January 2016

Swimming Gala 2016

Ware & District Cubs Swimming Gala

The picture says it all - out of 14 participating packs.

Congratulations to all our cubs who took part - they all swam their hearts out and had to in order to achieve this fantastic result - However, all is not lost as we came 2nd to Puma who put in an exceptional performance. It's means that the trophy still stays within the Braughing Scout Group albeit not in our cabinet!

As for our Cheetah swimmers, out of 13 races they achieved 8 x 1st, 3 x 2nd a 3rd and a 5th in their heats - not something to be sniffed at as it was an awesome personal achievement for all the cubs.

Congratulation to all our Cheetah Swimmers - You did yourselves and leaders proud!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Badge work and the Global Challenge

Braughing Cheetah Pack Cub
This evening, we concentrated on finishing off badge work required by some of our older cubs in order to complete important challenge badges for them.

This consisted of a 6'er leading a game that the whole pack was involved together with a talk about how hard children of cubs age have to work in certain countries just to buy food to survive.

As part of this section, the cubs (in their sixes) were given a little amount of paper to make paper bags, which they then traded for currency to then purchase more paper to make even more paper bags to sell. Whilst fun and challenging it soon dawned on the cubs that not only was this highly repetitive and boring work, but it didn't really provide much food for them.
Braughing Cubs Cheetah Pack making paper bags

Akela does not want to lose this trophy
For our younger members... the work that we have done this evening all counts towards obtaining badges in the future.

We have the swimming gala on Saturday .... you should have all received an email by now..... It is a really important event for us as we won it last year and to win it again would be fantastic!

Next week we are continuing with our Global Challenge Badge and concentrating on recycling. 
As part of this we ask that cub bring with them 2 pieces of recycling washed and Not Glass in order to play a game. 

Thursday 14 January 2016

Chocks Away!

Welcome Back!

After playing a couple of games to burn off some of that 'cub energy' that you get at the start of term, we settled down to finish off a really cool badge -     The Air Activities Badge.

Towards the end of last year, we had the Christmas Camp and took the cubs to Duxford Imperial War Museum. As part of their visit, they learnt about the planes and the role of Duxford in the Battle of Britain. 
However, in order to complete the badge they were to make a model aeroplane. which we completed last night out of wooden pegs and lollipop sticks. Hopefully they made their way home in one piece, the planes not the cubs!

Next week we are doing important badge work, finishing off some and starting new ones, so it is really important that all cubs be it's all about the badges!

Please don't forget the Cubs Swimming Gala - 23rd January (Late afternoon/early evening) 
An email will be sent out shortly confirming times etc...

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Sleeping Beauty

Braughng Cubs on stage at the Gordon Craig TheatreThe title is no reference to any cub! 
But the Christmas Panto that we saw at the Gordon Craig Theatre; and what a performance it was. 

With a fantastic cast, pyrotechnics and the cubs helping out on stage singing 'Old McDonald' it was a fantastic evening and one to be repeated. 

All the cubs were so well behaved and it was a real pleasure taking them to see the production. 

The leader team would like to wish all our cubs and their families a very Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you all at the start of term in the hall.